Privacy Policies

In Compliance with the Personal Data Protection Federal Law, Corporativo Empresarial Solar, S. A. de C.V. (“Cancun Car Rental”) located at Calle Acceso a las bodegas SM 301 Mz. 30 lote 30 Bodega F1, CP 77560; Cancun, Quintana Roo, is responsible for handling your personal data.

Collection of data and means for obtainment.

The information provided voluntarily by the user must be accurate and truthful. Cancun Car Rental will not be responsible if the information provided is incorrect or false. The information will be collected and stored by Cancun Car Rental at the time of your online booking, or, via telephone, at one of our counters, offices or any other means.

User data may be obtained by the following means:

  • Through our website and/or where you provide your data voluntarily when using our services. In case the Law allows us to collect information from other sources such as telephone, service or work directories, as well as social networks, the data obtained by such means will be names and surnames, telephone, e-mail and personal address. Any information provided by the user in social networks that Cancun Car Rental participates as a user, will not be a part of the Personal Data subject to the Protection of this Privacy Policy, being the responsibility of the platform network and the user who manage it. You could browse our websites without sharing your personal information. However, Cancun Car Rental has created data fields so you can voluntarily provide personal data. Cancun Car Rental will only handle personal data that you decided to share through the websites; either when you register, when you create an account, when you contact us by email with questions or concerns, when you request customer service, when you ask for information, when you participate in promotions or when you share your personal information in some other way, similar to the previous mentioned. Cancun Car Rental will handle your personal data only for the necessary period of time to comply with the purposes described herein and / or in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
  • Personally through our reservation center or by contacting our Call Center. The data requested by Cancun Car Rental may include, but it’s not limited to: Full name, gender, private address, home phone, work phone and mobile, email address, signature, RFC or CURP, usage preferences and financial data such as: Credit card number, card holder name, expiration date, security code and any other relevant information to process the reservation requested by you. Please note that in order for us to process the reservation and sale, the bank details and credit card information that you provide to us could be shared with American Express Corporation, Master Card or VISA to process the corresponding charges. Cancun Car Rental reserves the right to disclose your personal information by telephone or online in the following cases:
    • When the personal data is legally required for the safeguarding of a public interest, or for procurement of justice.
    • Upon requests from state or federal, national or international authorities as part of an investigation for illegal or fraudulent acts.
    • To seek assistance from public safety authorities to protect the interests or security of Cancun Car Rental.
    • In any of the cases established in Article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties and its Regulations.

Use of collected information

Cancun Car Rental may use your personal data to process your reservation, provide the services and products that you requested, for tracking, updating, cancelling, notifying about new products or services that are related to those already booked, modifying or confirming the requested service; for promotional purposes; for financial and credit purposes, to comply with contract obligations with our clients; evaluate the quality of service; and, conduct surveys on preferences and consumption habits.

Data sharing, national and international

Your personal data may be shared to: business partners, affiliates, suppliers, financial, banking and credit institutions, in order to confirm your reservations and comply with the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

Exercise of ARCO Rights (rights to access, cancel, modify and oppose)

You have the right to, at any time, request access to your personal data to know what the situation is; rectify in case these are incorrect or outdated; eliminate the data if you think that they are not being used for the purposes established in this Privacy Notice; or oppose to the processing of your personal data concerning any of the purposes established in this Privacy Notice, and must tell us clearly what is the personal data that concerns you.

Right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data

According to the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, approved on April 13, 2010 in articles 3, Sections II and VII, and 33, as well as the denomination of Chapter II, of the Second Title, of the Federal Law of Transparency and Access to Government Public Information and in the case that you wish to eliminate your personal data from our database, you have the right to revoke the consent granted for managing of your personal data.
To be able to exercise this right, you must submit a request in writing and in Spanish, and send to the following email address:, or, you can send it by courier to the following address: Calle Access to warehouses SM 301 Mz . 30 lot 30 Bodega F1, C.P. 77560; Cancun Quintana Roo.
The letter must contain the following points: Full name and surname, copy of an official form of identification, e-mail address or mailing address designated for notifications, and a telephone number.
You should also clearly and accurately describe the personal data to which you wish to exercise some of the ARCO rights.
You will receive an answer about the revocation within 20 business days from the receipt of your request, either by email addressed to your person or by letter to the mailing address that you provided us.


We understand the importance of safeguarding your personal data. We protect your data through the use of technical and administrative security controls to reduce the risks of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure and alteration. Some of the security methods that we use are firewalls and data encryption, physical data center access and authorization controls. However, be aware that no data transmission over the Internet or via e-mail is completely secure and, therefore, Cancun Car Rental cannot guarantee protection of all personal information against damage, loss, alteration, misappropriation or misuse. Cancun Car Rental makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information on our website is accurate and current. However, the information may contain typographical errors and Cancun Car Rental offers no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information. Cancun Car Rental may change the information on its website at any time and without prior notification.

Modifications to this Privacy Policy Cancun Car Rental reserves the right to make changes or updates to this Privacy Notice at any time. So we suggest you check it periodically in order to know about the latest modifications. The current Privacy Policy will be published via the same means. The use of our website will be considered as an acceptance to the Privacy Policy and the terms established therein. Any modifications or updates will be published on the website and/or and will be effective upon posting. By accessing and using one of our websites, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the Privacy Policy and agree to the use of your personal data by Cancun Car Rental in accordance with this Privacy Policy.